Journey of SBZ

Hi, I’m Zainab and I’m so glad that you’re here!

With absolutely no background in fashion or business, I am now the proud owner of an online fashion portal that recreates your wardrobe in an effortless and accessible way. My journey to becoming a stylist has been unexpected, difficult, a lil’ scary, but nothing short of incredible.

So, how did I get here? The formula is simple:

Innovation, passion and a LOT of hard work.

Ever since I was in college, I was determined to have clarity about my career by 21 and I was confident that it would be in the field of fashion but had no idea what to pursue or even where to start. I remember trying my hand in literally every possible avenue in the media industry, right from social media marketing to creative production, hoping something would click and lead me into the world of fashion. But the more I explored, the more I realised that I was actually scared to venture into fashion because of the cut-throat competition. I didn’t want to get lost in the noise, and that’s when I realised that it was my innovation that would help me be heard, loud and clear.

I’ve always dreamt of being a business owner and in 2019, after a lot of brainstorming and research, I came up with the concept of a Virtual Styling Service.

I kickstarted SBZ with the #YouDoYou series on Instagram and created looks for everyone who approached me. With an overwhelming response, I created 150 looks and decided to take it a notch further. This led me to create my original website which catered to women in need of revamping and elevating their style. But before I knew it, men wanted in too! I was taken aback by the extraordinarily high responses from men who wanted to avail my virtual styling services. So, I decided to redevelop the website and here we are now!

With COVID-19 on the rise and monthly incomes falling, I knew my business would amalgamate my love for styling with accessibility and affordability, which is the competitive advantage that SBZ stands for. 

I’ve always believed that attire and style plays a massive role in forming first impressions and I want to help you stand out with yours in the best way possible. Finding your style can be intimidating and SBZ will make your journey very smooth.

I hope you enjoy the experience of the entire website as a whole and leave not just looking, but feeling good.



About the author


A self-taught stylist who believes in experience over matter, Zainab’s journey in the celebrity fashion styling industry gave her the confidence to take the field of styling to the internet.

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