What is Styled By Zainab ?

Over the years, the thought of having an easily affordable & accessible stylist was quite unimaginable, until now : Styled By Zainab is a platform where fashion and technology come together to take your individual style up a notch by creating virtual styling looks. We at Styled By Zainab thoroughly study and analyse your style, body type and merge in various factors to curate a look just for you!

What does Styled By Zainab offer?

Online shopping, being the new way of life can be confusing as one may not virtually understand what to purchase. Here is where we come in by offering affordable consultation of a stylist to help your style reach its peak. The pricing’s are as follows: 1 look for INR 490, 2 looks for INR 750 and 3 looks for INR 990

What you get / end product :

Fill out the form on the website, make the payment which will confirm your order and in 2-3 working days, you’ll have your look!